So Michael is on a new kick where he doesn't ever want to go to sleep. When we put him to bed either at night or for a nap he throws all of his bedding and his puppy(dog blanket) over the crib. He then is so upset he doesn't have these things he just cries and cries. It's been frustrating and he's been cranky since he's been getting less sleep, but I'm hoping it's just a faze that will pass.
That sounds like a lot of fun:) Michael is so dang cute though, and he'll grow out of it.
I am glad you guys wrote this on the back of your card! Tyler will be excited to see you guys! well in blog form i guess :) you will have to send me your email so i can send you an invite to our blog.... tylervanessabrown@gmail.com
michael is a cutie!
I'll be honest, Aliah still throws a fit every nap and bed time. But she's does go to sleep eventually. Some nights it's a longer tantrum then others, but we've learned to let her cry it out. We tried being kinder and going in and comforting her and such, but when we finally started just leaving her alone, she got the picture and realized we weren't coming and she should just go to sleep.
Kids are so fun! Hang in there! He'll have to go to sleep someday!
Ohh...good luck with it passing. These phases can wear on you can't they?! It's nice that they do all resolve themselves though.
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