All the kids gathered around to open presents. It was hilarious the other kids kept telling Michael to open their gift and would tell him what they got him before he even opened it. I think the other kids were as excited as Michael.

Dixon, Conn, Erica,Inara, Aliah, Sophie, Michael, Abe, Mckensey, and Yuri. I think this a pretty good group shot of all the kids. With 10 kids it's amazing that so many of them are looking at the camera, but I did bribe them with cookies if they took the picture so that must be why it worked.

We played with a parachute but it seemed to be more excitement than the kids could handle. We were going to take turns running under it but no one could wait their turn or listen to instructions so we just put some balls on top and let them bounce them all over.

I was shooting balloons in the air that the kids would go and catch.

Playing with chalk.

The birthday boy anxiously awaiting his friends to show up for the party. We had a great time at his party. Brent couldn't be there so being 7 months pregnant I was pretty tired by the end of it but luckily Penny (Michael's Grandma) was there to help along with some other moms.
That was a good party. You always have good parties. Just laid back and fun to go to. We sure love Michael.
Sad we werent there! =( next year!
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